
Which Modified Box Plot Represents The Data Set? 10, 12, 2, 4, 24, 2, 7, 7, 9

Box-and-Whisker Plots

To understand box-and-whisker plots, yous have to understand medians and quartiles of a data set up.

The median is the centre number of a gear up of data, or the average of the ii heart numbers (if there are an even number of data points).

The median ( Q ii ) divides the data fix into two parts, the upper set and the lower set. The lower quartile ( Q one ) is the median of the lower half, and the upper quartile ( Q 3 ) is the median of the upper half.


Notice Q 1 , Q ii , and Q 3 for the following data set, and draw a box-and-whisker plot.

{ 2 , vi , seven , 8 , 8 , 11 , 12 , 13 , fourteen , 15 , 22 , 23 }

There are 12 data points. The center 2 are eleven and 12 . So the median, Q 2 , is 11.5 .

The "lower half" of the information set is the set { 2 , half dozen , 7 , 8 , 8 , 11 } . The median here is 7.v . And so Q 1 = 7.5 .

The "upper half" of the data set up is the set { 12 , thirteen , xiv , 15 , 22 , 23 } . The median here is 14.5 . So Q 3 = fourteen.5 .

A box-and-whisker plot displays the values Q 1 , Q 2 , and Q three , forth with the farthermost values of the data set up ( 2 and 23 , in this case):

A box & whisker plot shows a "box" with left border at Q ane , right border at Q 3 , the "centre" of the box at Q two (the median) and the maximum and minimum as "whiskers".

Note that the plot divides the data into 4 equal parts. The left whisker represents the lesser 25 % of the data, the left half of the box represents the second 25 % , the right half of the box represents the third 25 % , and the right whisker represents the top 25 % .


If a data value is very far away from the quartiles (either much less than Q 1 or much greater than Q 3 ), information technology is sometimes designated an outlier . Instead of being shown using the whiskers of the box-and-whisker plot, outliers are usually shown as separately plotted points.

The standard definition for an outlier is a number which is less than Q ane or greater than Q 3 by more than one.5 times the interquartile range ( IQR = Q 3 Q 1 ). That is, an outlier is whatever number less than Q one ( 1.five × IQR ) or greater than Q three + ( 1.5 × IQR ) .


Find Q 1 , Q ii , and Q 3 for the following data set. Place whatsoever outliers, and depict a box-and-whisker plot.

{ 5 , 40 , 42 , 46 , 48 , 49 , 50 , l , 52 , 53 , 55 , 56 , 58 , 75 , 102 }

In that location are 15 values, arranged in increasing order. And then, Q 2 is the eight th data point, 50 .

Q 1 is the 4 th data point, 46 , and Q 3 is the 12 th data point, 56 .

The interquartile range IQR is Q 3 Q 1 or 56 47 = x .

At present we demand to find whether there are values less than Q 1 ( 1.5 × IQR ) or greater than Q three + ( one.5 × IQR ) .

Q 1 ( 1.5 × IQR ) = 46 xv = 31

Q three + ( one.v × IQR ) = 56 + xv = 71

Since 5 is less than 31 and 75 and 102 are greater than 71 , there are 3 outliers.

The box-and-whisker plot is as shown. Annotation that xl and 58 are shown as the ends of the whiskers, with the outliers plotted separately.

Which Modified Box Plot Represents The Data Set? 10, 12, 2, 4, 24, 2, 7, 7, 9,


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